156 research outputs found

    Proactive and reactive thermal aware optimization techniques to minimize the environmental impact of data centers

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    Los Centros de Datos se encuentran actualmente en cualquier sector de la economía mundial. Están compuestos por miles de servidores, dando servicio a los usuarios de forma global, las 24 horas del día y los 365 días del año. Durante los últimos años, las aplicaciones del ámbito de la e-Ciencia, como la e-Salud o las Ciudades Inteligentes han experimentado un desarrollo muy significativo. La necesidad de manejar de forma eficiente las necesidades de cómputo de aplicaciones de nueva generación, junto con la creciente demanda de recursos en aplicaciones tradicionales, han facilitado el rápido crecimiento y la proliferación de los Centros de Datos. El principal inconveniente de este aumento de capacidad ha sido el rápido y dramático incremento del consumo energético de estas infraestructuras. En 2010, la factura eléctrica de los Centros de Datos representaba el 1.3% del consumo eléctrico mundial. Sólo en el año 2012, el consumo de potencia de los Centros de Datos creció un 63%, alcanzando los 38GW. En 2013 se estimó un crecimiento de otro 17%, hasta llegar a los 43GW. Además, los Centros de Datos son responsables de más del 2% del total de emisiones de dióxido de carbono a la atmósfera. Esta tesis doctoral se enfrenta al problema energético proponiendo técnicas proactivas y reactivas conscientes de la temperatura y de la energía, que contribuyen a tener Centros de Datos más eficientes. Este trabajo desarrolla modelos de energía y utiliza el conocimiento sobre la demanda energética de la carga de trabajo a ejecutar y de los recursos de computación y refrigeración del Centro de Datos para optimizar el consumo. Además, los Centros de Datos son considerados como un elemento crucial dentro del marco de la aplicación ejecutada, optimizando no sólo el consumo del Centro de Datos sino el consumo energético global de la aplicación. Los principales componentes del consumo en los Centros de Datos son la potencia de computación utilizada por los equipos de IT, y la refrigeración necesaria para mantener los servidores dentro de un rango de temperatura de trabajo que asegure su correcto funcionamiento. Debido a la relación cúbica entre la velocidad de los ventiladores y el consumo de los mismos, las soluciones basadas en el sobre-aprovisionamiento de aire frío al servidor generalmente tienen como resultado ineficiencias energéticas. Por otro lado, temperaturas más elevadas en el procesador llevan a un consumo de fugas mayor, debido a la relación exponencial del consumo de fugas con la temperatura. Además, las características de la carga de trabajo y las políticas de asignación de recursos tienen un impacto importante en los balances entre corriente de fugas y consumo de refrigeración. La primera gran contribución de este trabajo es el desarrollo de modelos de potencia y temperatura que permiten describes estos balances entre corriente de fugas y refrigeración; así como la propuesta de estrategias para minimizar el consumo del servidor por medio de la asignación conjunta de refrigeración y carga desde una perspectiva multivariable. Cuando escalamos a nivel del Centro de Datos, observamos un comportamiento similar en términos del balance entre corrientes de fugas y refrigeración. Conforme aumenta la temperatura de la sala, mejora la eficiencia de la refrigeración. Sin embargo, este incremente de la temperatura de sala provoca un aumento en la temperatura de la CPU y, por tanto, también del consumo de fugas. Además, la dinámica de la sala tiene un comportamiento muy desigual, no equilibrado, debido a la asignación de carga y a la heterogeneidad en el equipamiento de IT. La segunda contribución de esta tesis es la propuesta de técnicas de asigación conscientes de la temperatura y heterogeneidad que permiten optimizar conjuntamente la asignación de tareas y refrigeración a los servidores. Estas estrategias necesitan estar respaldadas por modelos flexibles, que puedan trabajar en tiempo real, para describir el sistema desde un nivel de abstracción alto. Dentro del ámbito de las aplicaciones de nueva generación, las decisiones tomadas en el nivel de aplicación pueden tener un impacto dramático en el consumo energético de niveles de abstracción menores, como por ejemplo, en el Centro de Datos. Es importante considerar las relaciones entre todos los agentes computacionales implicados en el problema, de forma que puedan cooperar para conseguir el objetivo común de reducir el coste energético global del sistema. La tercera contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de optimizaciones energéticas para la aplicación global por medio de la evaluación de los costes de ejecutar parte del procesado necesario en otros niveles de abstracción, que van desde los nodos hasta el Centro de Datos, por medio de técnicas de balanceo de carga. Como resumen, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis lleva a cabo contribuciones en el modelado y optimización consciente del consumo por fugas y la refrigeración de servidores; el modelado de los Centros de Datos y el desarrollo de políticas de asignación conscientes de la heterogeneidad; y desarrolla mecanismos para la optimización energética de aplicaciones de nueva generación desde varios niveles de abstracción. ABSTRACT Data centers are easily found in every sector of the worldwide economy. They consist of tens of thousands of servers, serving millions of users globally and 24-7. In the last years, e-Science applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have experienced a significant development. The need to deal efficiently with the computational needs of next-generation applications together with the increasing demand for higher resources in traditional applications has facilitated the rapid proliferation and growing of data centers. A drawback to this capacity growth has been the rapid increase of the energy consumption of these facilities. In 2010, data center electricity represented 1.3% of all the electricity use in the world. In year 2012 alone, global data center power demand grew 63% to 38GW. A further rise of 17% to 43GW was estimated in 2013. Moreover, data centers are responsible for more than 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions. This PhD Thesis addresses the energy challenge by proposing proactive and reactive thermal and energy-aware optimization techniques that contribute to place data centers on a more scalable curve. This work develops energy models and uses the knowledge about the energy demand of the workload to be executed and the computational and cooling resources available at data center to optimize energy consumption. Moreover, data centers are considered as a crucial element within their application framework, optimizing not only the energy consumption of the facility, but the global energy consumption of the application. The main contributors to the energy consumption in a data center are the computing power drawn by IT equipment and the cooling power needed to keep the servers within a certain temperature range that ensures safe operation. Because of the cubic relation of fan power with fan speed, solutions based on over-provisioning cold air into the server usually lead to inefficiencies. On the other hand, higher chip temperatures lead to higher leakage power because of the exponential dependence of leakage on temperature. Moreover, workload characteristics as well as allocation policies also have an important impact on the leakage-cooling tradeoffs. The first key contribution of this work is the development of power and temperature models that accurately describe the leakage-cooling tradeoffs at the server level, and the proposal of strategies to minimize server energy via joint cooling and workload management from a multivariate perspective. When scaling to the data center level, a similar behavior in terms of leakage-temperature tradeoffs can be observed. As room temperature raises, the efficiency of data room cooling units improves. However, as we increase room temperature, CPU temperature raises and so does leakage power. Moreover, the thermal dynamics of a data room exhibit unbalanced patterns due to both the workload allocation and the heterogeneity of computing equipment. The second main contribution is the proposal of thermal- and heterogeneity-aware workload management techniques that jointly optimize the allocation of computation and cooling to servers. These strategies need to be backed up by flexible room level models, able to work on runtime, that describe the system from a high level perspective. Within the framework of next-generation applications, decisions taken at this scope can have a dramatical impact on the energy consumption of lower abstraction levels, i.e. the data center facility. It is important to consider the relationships between all the computational agents involved in the problem, so that they can cooperate to achieve the common goal of reducing energy in the overall system. The third main contribution is the energy optimization of the overall application by evaluating the energy costs of performing part of the processing in any of the different abstraction layers, from the node to the data center, via workload management and off-loading techniques. In summary, the work presented in this PhD Thesis, makes contributions on leakage and cooling aware server modeling and optimization, data center thermal modeling and heterogeneityaware data center resource allocation, and develops mechanisms for the energy optimization for next-generation applications from a multi-layer perspective

    Hacia la conciencia social del consumo energético en centros de datos

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    Ante el problema creciente del consumo en los centros de datos, unido a la adopción paulatina de las mejores prácticas actuales para mejorar la eficiencia energética, se hace imprescindible un cambio radical en el enfoque de la energía en dichos centros de datos para poder seguir reduciendo de manera significativa su impacto medioambiental. En este artículo presentamos una propuesta inicial para la optimización integral del consumo de energía en centros de datos, que ha sido validado en un escenario de monitorización poblacional de salud, con ahorros de hasta un 50% frente al estado del arte en eficiencia energética. Defendemos una conciencia global del Estado y el comportamiento térmico del centro de datos, utilizando modelos predictivos para anticipar las variables determinantes para la optimización. Además, las estrategias de optimización energética de los centros de datos del futuro tienen que ser sociales: los distintos elementos (servidores, software de gestión, sistemas de refrigeración) deben tener cierta conciencia del estado de los demás elementos del sistema y de cómo el entorno los puede perjudicar o favorecer, buscando el consenso en estrategias colaborativas para reducir el consumo total

    Proactive and reactive thermal aware optimization techniques to minimize the environmental impact of data centers

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    Data centers are easily found in every sector of the worldwide economy. They are composed of thousands of servers, serving millions of users globally and 24-7. In the last years, e-Science applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have experienced a significant development. The need to deal efficiently with the computational needs of next-generation applications together with the increasing demand for higher resources in traditional applications has facilitated the rapid proliferation and growing of Data Centers. A drawback to this capacity growth has been the rapid increase of the energy consumption of these facilities. In 2010, data center electricity represented 1.3% of all the electricity use in the world. In year 2012 alone, global data center power demand grep 63% to 38GW. A further rise of 17% to 43GW was estimated in 2013. Moreover, Data Centers are responsible for more than 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions

    CloudProphet: A Machine Learning-Based Performance Prediction for Public Clouds

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    Computing servers have played a key role in developing and processing emerging compute-intensive applications in recent years. Consolidating multiple virtual machines (VMs) inside one server to run various applications introduces severe competence for limited resources among VMs. Many techniques such as VM scheduling and resource provisioning are proposed to maximize the cost-efficiency of the computing servers while alleviating the performance inference between VMs. However, these management techniques require accurate performance prediction of the application running inside the VM, which is challenging to get in the public cloud due to the black-box nature of the VMs. From this perspective, this paper proposes a novel machine learning-based performance prediction approach for applications running in the cloud. To achieve high accuracy predictions for black-box VMs, the proposed method first identifies the running application inside the virtual machine. It then selects highly-correlated runtime metrics as the input of the machine learning approach to accurately predict the performance level of the cloud application. Experimental results with state-of-the-art cloud benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the existing prediction methods by more than 2x in terms of worst prediction error. In addition, we successfully tackle the challenge in performance prediction for applications with variable workloads by introducing the performance degradation index, which other comparison methods fail to consider. The workflow versatility of the proposed approach has been verified with different modern servers and VM configurations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, summited to IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computin

    Leveraging heterogeneity for energy minimization in data centers

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    Energy consumption in data centers is nowadays a critical objective because of its dramatic environmental and economic impact. Over the last years, several approaches have been proposed to tackle the energy/cost optimization problem, but most of them have failed on providing an analytical model to target both the static and dynamic optimization domains for complex heterogeneous data centers. This paper proposes and solves an optimization problem for the energy-driven configuration of a heterogeneous data center. It also advances in the proposition of a new mechanism for task allocation and distribution of workload. The combination of both approaches outperforms previous published results in the field of energy minimization in heterogeneous data centers and scopes a promising area of research

    Resource management for power-constrained HEVC transcoding using reinforcement learning

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    The advent of online video streaming applications and services along with the users' demand for high-quality contents require High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), which provides higher video quality and more compression at the cost of increased complexity. On one hand, HEVC exposes a set of dynamically tunable parameters to provide trade-offs among Quality-of-Service (QoS), performance, and power consumption of multi-core servers on the video providers' data center. On the other hand, resource management of modern multi-core servers is in charge of adapting system-level parameters, such as operating frequency and multithreading, to deal with concurrent applications and their requirements. Therefore, efficient multi-user HEVC streaming necessitates joint adaptation of application- and system-level parameters. Nonetheless, dealing with such a large and dynamic design space is challenging and difficult to address through conventional resource management strategies. Thus, in this work, we develop a multi-agent Reinforcement Learning framework to jointly adjust application- and system-level parameters at runtime to satisfy the QoS of multi-user HEVC streaming in power-constrained servers. In particular, the design space, composed of all design parameters, is split into smaller independent sub-spaces. Each design sub-space is assigned to a particular agent so that it can explore it faster, yet accurately. The benefits of our approach are revealed in terms of adaptability and quality (with up to to 4x improvements in terms of QoS when compared to a static resource management scheme), and learning time (6 x faster than an equivalent mono-agent implementation). Finally, we show that the power-capping techniques formulated outperform the hardware-based power capping with respect to quality

    Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Epileptic Seizure Detection on EEG signals

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    While Deep Learning (DL) is often considered the state-of-the art for Artificial Intelligence-based medical decision support, it remains sparsely implemented in clinical practice and poorly trusted by clinicians due to insufficient interpretability of neural network models. We have tackled this issue by developing interpretable DL models in the context of online detection of epileptic seizure, based on EEG signal. This has conditioned the preparation of the input signals, the network architecture, and the post-processing of the output in line with the domain knowledge. Specifically, we focused the discussion on three main aspects: 1) how to aggregate the classification results on signal segments provided by the DL model into a larger time scale, at the seizure-level; 2) what are the relevant frequency patterns learned in the first convolutional layer of different models, and their relation with the delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands on which the visual interpretation of EEG is based; and 3) the identification of the signal waveforms with larger contribution towards the ictal class, according to the activation differences highlighted using the DeepLIFT method. Results show that the kernel size in the first layer determines the interpretability of the extracted features and the sensitivity of the trained models, even though the final performance is very similar after post-processing. Also, we found that amplitude is the main feature leading to an ictal prediction, suggesting that a larger patient population would be required to learn more complex frequency patterns. Still, our methodology was successfully able to generalize patient inter-variability for the majority of the studied population with a classification F1-score of 0.873 and detecting 90% of the seizures.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, 12 table

    Self-organizing maps versus growing neural Gas in detecting anomalies in data centers

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    Reliability is one of the key performance factors in data centres. The out-of-scale energy costs of these facilities lead data centre operators to increase the ambient temperature of the data room to decrease cooling costs. However, increasing ambient temperature reduces the safety margins and can result in a higher number of anomalous events. Anomalies in the data centre need to be detected as soon as possible to optimize cooling efficiency and mitigate the harmful effects over servers. This article proposes the usage of clustering-based outlier detection techniques coupled with a trust and reputation system engine to detect anomalies in data centres. We show how self-organizing maps or growing neural gas can be applied to detect cooling and workload anomalies, respectively, in a real data centre scenario with very good detection and isolation rates, in a way that is robust to the malfunction of the sensors that gather server and environmental information

    A novel energy-driven computing paradigm for e-health scenarios

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    A first-rate e-Health system saves lives, provides better patient care, allows complex but useful epidemiologic analysis and saves money. However, there may also be concerns about the costs and complexities associated with e-health implementation, and the need to solve issues about the energy footprint of the high-demanding computing facilities. This paper proposes a novel and evolved computing paradigm that: (i) provides the required computing and sensing resources; (ii) allows the population-wide diffusion; (iii) exploits the storage, communication and computing services provided by the Cloud; (iv) tackles the energy-optimization issue as a first-class requirement, taking it into account during the whole development cycle. The novel computing concept and the multi-layer top-down energy-optimization methodology obtain promising results in a realistic scenario for cardiovascular tracking and analysis, making the Home Assisted Living a reality